Equine Zeolite Minerals Superfine

Equine Zeolite Minerals Superfine


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Superfine Zeolite Minerals for Horses: Natural Detoxification and Well-Being

Superfine Zeolite Minerals, sourced from the pristine landscapes of Australia and formed through volcanic processes, hold remarkable properties that benefit both horses and humans. With its distinctive chemical attributes and negatively charged ions, Zeolite has the extraordinary ability to attract positively charged ions, facilitating a chemical reaction that neutralizes and eliminates harmful toxins. This natural wonder acts as a guardian for your horse’s well-being, absorbing and neutralizing a range of toxins.

Zeolite, a valuable addition to your equine care regimen, is renowned for its myriad benefits:

  1. Gastrointestinal Protection and Gut Health: Zeolite has a protective effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improving intestinal permeability and addressing ‘leaky gut’ concerns.
  2. Enhanced Digestive Efficiency: It optimizes feed efficiency, ensuring your horse gets the most from its nutrition.
  3. Immune System Support: Zeolite strengthens immunity, helping your horse ward off illnesses more effectively.
  4. Improved Nutrient Absorption: It positively influences nutritional absorption and aids in maintaining a healthy digestive tract.
  5. Heavy Metal Elimination: Zeolite is a natural detoxifier, effectively removing heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury (in a weaker form), and more.

Extensive research has shown Zeolite’s effectiveness in ridding the body of heavy metals, making it a powerful ally for your horse’s overall health and vitality.

Usage Notes: Ensure your horse has access to an ample supply of fresh, clean water while taking Zeolite. Administer the supplement with food for optimal results.

Note: Zeolite has received FDA approval and is recognized as a non-toxic, safe supplement under the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status.


  • Zeolite Mineral Superfine


  • Fine, pale pink powder

Country of Origin:

  • Australia

About Zeolite: For centuries, Zeolite, a naturally occurring volcanic clay mineral ash, has been celebrated as nature’s premier detoxification agent. It has been utilized across diverse cultures to purify the body, maintain well-being, and trap unwanted toxins within its molecular filter system, expelling them harmlessly. Now, this remarkable detoxification solution is available exclusively for your horse in powdered form. Simply mix it into your horse’s daily feed to enhance nutrient absorption from regular feeds and supplements while aiding in the elimination of harmful toxins. Zeolite works in multiple ways to support equine health, vitality, and digestion.

Key Benefits of Zeolite:

  • Natural detoxification for internal cleansing and toxin removal.
  • Enhanced nutrient absorption from daily feeds and supplements.
  • Improved conversion of feeds and supplements within the horse’s body.
  • Effective in addressing issues related to toxins found in lush grass.
  • Elimination of heavy metals.
  • Noted for enhancing coat quality and color depth.
  • Supports overall equine well-being.

How Does Zeolite Work? Zeolite functions as Mother Earth’s detox agent, cleansing your horse from the inside out. Zeolite molecules resemble ‘sieve-like cages’ that sift through nutrients and toxins within the body. They filter and slowly release nutrients, maximizing their absorption. Simultaneously, these ‘sieve-like cages’ capture heavier, unwanted metals and environmental pollutants present in soil and water. When your horse urinates or defecates, Zeolite exits the body, carrying toxins along with it. This process slows nutrient passage into the horse’s body, capturing vitamins, minerals, and trace elements before gradually releasing them for distribution. This efficient nutrient utilization allows your horse to gain maximum benefits from feeds and supplements. Zeolite won’t make horses fed competition or energy mixes more excitable because it solely captures vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Zeolite is a natural detoxifier that supports overall health and well-being.

About Our Zeolite:

  • Contains no additives.
  • Comprises 100% pure and natural Zeolite, specifically Clinoptilolite, the purest form available.
  • Sourced from Australia.
  • Presented in powder form.
  • Utilized for centuries by humans for nutrient and impurity filtration.
  • Suitable for lifelong use: As long as you feed Zeolite, you’ll continually cleanse your horse’s digestive system, promoting health and vitality.
  • Zeolite is a lifelong detox system for your horse that you can maintain.

Brand: Zeolite

Presentation: Powder

Sizes Available: 250g / 500g

Suitable for Use During Pregnancy: YES

Complies with Show Rules: YES

Maintenance Feeding Rate (for an average-sized animal): 30g scoop per day

Ingredients Label: 100% Volcanic clay mineral ash called Zeolite

Instructions for Use: When dosing with natural minerals, use a wooden spoon!

  • One scoop (30g) per day mixed into feed for general maintenance.
  • Two scoops per day for issues related to lush grass, injuries, or rescued horses. Use Zeolite with wet food and administer promptly.

**All-Natural, Proven

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

250, 500

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